The natural water flow of the land should be to the East, North and/or North-east. The Samarangana Sutradhara clearly tells us that the land slanting towards the direction presided over by Varuna (West), Yama (South), Marut (North-west), Agni (South-east) and that which is depressed in the brahmasthana (middle) is extremely bad and unfit for living. There are certain sufferings identified due to the downslide. The below table demonstrate the same.
Selecting a suitable Site: Normally an Vastu Architect is not involved at the time of buying a Site. But as an Vastu Architect myself, I suggest that it is better to involve an Architect early on, at the time of selecting a Site, as his inputs could be very valuable in deciding the right Site. Generally, the points an Architect will keep in mind while selecting a site, will by default be in accordance with Vastu Shastra, since Vastu principles are always based on Common Sense and Logic.
Already own a Site: In case you already own a Site, you can still refer to the Vastu Guidelines for Site Selection, to help you evaluate your Site and if necessary, make corrections to make it suitable.
In the Selection of a Site, the following Vastu Guidelines should be looked into, since these guidelines are based on Scientific reasoning and common sense.
Site Orientation
Site Shape
Site Soil
Site Slope
Downslide Suffering from
South-east Fear of fire
South Fear from ill-health, insanity and death
South-west Ailments resulting in chronic disorders
West Loss of peace, wealth and prosperity
North-west Foreign residence, family quarrels and ailments.
Other specials
- Poverty and disintegration is generally observed due to depression or hollowness in the middle.
- Health and wealth is attracted with elevation in the middle and declivity towards the east, north and north-east.
- Happiness and contentment comes with depression in the borders of all the four sides.

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