Monday, April 6, 2009

Well Water Sump or Pond

It is advised that the first construction project for the new house is to dig the well. If water is used from this well for the construction, it is auspicious for the family who will live in the house.

It is best that the well or water source is on the north or northeast side of the land, or if water comes from the municipality, it should enter from the northeast side. If you draw a line from the southwest corner to the northeast corner, the well should be to the right or left of the line, not on it.

The well can also be in the north or east sides of the property. The well should not be in the northwest or southeast corners, as this is inauspicious. It is especially inauspicious if the well is dug in the southwest corner. It is also inauspicious to have a well in the middle of a house.

Wells should be round. The radius of well can be taken as the owners head circumference.

Ideally, the well water should be exposed to sunlight for five hours a day. It is not recommended to share wells between two properties.

Septic Tank location is also very important. It is best have in South, West or South west. There should be a enough gap between the well and the septic tank.

The well should be dug after puja (worship) has been performed on the land at an astrologically auspicious time. This will insure that the water will be pure.

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